Personal Blog Website Overview

Below is a summary of the personal blog website template:

  • Languages: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Year: 2022
  • Author: Unknown
  • Website Type: Portfolio Website
  • Target Audience: Students or Newbies to Web Design

Introduction to Source Code

A personal blog website is a very popular type of website on the Internet. It is used by individuals who want to write about a certain field such as website design, personal finance, technology knowledge, general knowledge, etc. Or this can also be a place for individuals to present their own work profiles for future job applications.

Surely if you want to become a good website interface designer, you must know how to design a personal blog website like that. However, not everyone who is new to the field of website design understands how to design a reasonable and beautiful website.

For that reason, today I will introduce to you a pretty nice personal blog website interface that you can use for reference even if you are new to website design. The reason is because it is designed with basic languages ​​including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it does not even use popular libraries like Bootstrap or jQuery.

This is a user-friendly and responsive website template on devices with different screen sizes. Hopefully it will help you get familiar with designing a personal website interface.

Personal Blog Website Components

  • Navigation and Introduction Sections: Includes website logo, navigation bar, light/dark mode toggle and short introduction about the website owner
  • “Latest Blog Post” Section: Introducing the latest articles from the website owner
  • “Topics” Section: Presents topics that website owners will cover such as databases, web performance, etc.
  • “Tags” Section: These are tags that are attached to articles that have topics that correspond to them
  • “Let’s Talk” Section: Contact the website owner via social media
  • “Newsletter” Section: Get notified about new posts from the website owner
  • Footer Section: Contains elements such as website logo, website introduction, copyright, other navigation links.
  • Dark/Light Mode: Switch between light and dark modes

Below are some images of this website template:

  • On large screen size:
  • On small screen size:

You can download the source code below:

You can refer to the previous source code here:

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